DCRB — The Development Corporation of the Astrakhan Region

Igor Babushkin
Governor of the Astrakhan region

Dear partners!

Welcome to Astrakhan land, the territory that has been connecting Asia and Europe in the shortest way for hundreds of years.

In recent years the Caspian region has regained strategic importance for our state. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has repeatedly stated this in his speeches.

Astrakhan region has an advantageous geographical location. In the changing economic and political conditions, the region continues to implement major investment projects, actively develops international relations, strengthens the logistics infrastructure, and improves the system of state support for business.

We are making many efforts to strengthen ties with the countries connected by the international North-South transport corridor. Today, the MTK is one of the priorities for the development of not only Astrakhan, but also the Russian economy as a whole. Large corporations are already investing in the expansion of the infrastructure of the North-South corridor. A large-scale development of the special port economic zone and the industrial SEZ "Lotus" is underway. The prospects are the widest, and they are open to you.

MTK is not the only point of growth. Astrakhan region has a high tourism and educational potential. The oil and gas industry, agriculture and shipbuilding are developed here.

We are always ready for dialogue and new ideas. For this purpose, a system of state support for investment projects has been created in the region.

Welcome to the Astrakhan region – a region of great opportunities and huge potential!

Sincerely, Governor of the Astrakhan region
Igor Babushkin.