State support for industry

State support for industry

Preferential loans for up to 7 years are provided to industrial enterprises.

  • The loan amount is from 0.5 million rubles.
  • The interest rate is from 1 to 5% per annum.

Debt financing programs include joint loans with the Industrial Development Fund and regional support programs.

The directions of debt financing are defined:

  • Construction, reconstruction of industrial premises
  • Purchase of raw materials, consumables necessary for the production of products
  • Purchase of equipment, solving engineering problems, etc.
  • Financing of the advance payment under the lease agreement

The founder of the Industrial Development Fund of the region is the Astrakhan region, it is supervised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy of the region. For the implementation of new industrial projects, the Fund provides targeted loans at a rate of 1-5% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 0.5 to 50 million rubles, stimulating the inflow of direct investments into the real sector of the economy.

Enterprises of the Astrakhan region, with the assistance of the regional Fund, can use the maximum loan amount of up to 200 million rubles from the Federal Industrial Development Fund (FRF). The Foundation is located at Astrakhan, Kirova str., 19, 3rd floor ("Atrium"). You can contact its specialists by phone: +7 (8512) 666-114.

The Foundation provides state support within the framework of the federal project "Choose Your Own" for the United Russia party. It solves the tasks of ensuring food and technological security, it is designed to protect the rights and support entrepreneurs and manufacturers who promote import substitution.